[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EZinc%20plays%20a%20crucial%20role%20in%20the%20human%20body.%20As%20a%20mineral%2C%20it%20supports%20many%20functions%20in%20the%20body.%20An%20average%20adult%20needs%20about%208mg%20of%20zinc%20intake%20per%20day.%20Women%20tend%20to%20need%20more%20zinc%20and%20up%20to%2011mg%20per%20day%20is%20often%20recommended.%20This%20is%20why%20you%20want%20to%20ensure%20you%20find%20the%20best%20results%20when%20it%20comes%20to%20proper%20Zinc%20intake%20every%20day.%20But%20how%20do%20you%20know%20that%20you%20are%20Zinc%20deficient%20in%20the%20first%20place%3F%20One%20of%20the%20most%20important%20characteristics%20to%20look%20for%20with%20Zinc%20comes%20with%20the%20ability%20to%20see%20its%20low%20levels%20in%20the%20body%20with%20symptoms%20such%20as%20diarrhea%2C%20acne%2C%20hair%20loss%2C%20poor%20cognitive%20function%20and%20even%20a%20loss%20of%20appetite.%20In%20most%20cases%2C%20these%20symptoms%20can%20be%20improved%20with%20supplementation.%20Pregnant%20women%20also%20struggle%20with%20low%20levels%20of%20Zinc%20and%20in%20this%20case%2C%20it%20is%20highly%20recommended%20to%20discuss%20supplementation%20with%20a%20doctor.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]
How to use the best Zinc supplements
When it comes to the best Zinc supplement, you always need to follow the directions of the manufacturer. Your doctor might also advise you on specific Zinc supplement dosages which are right for you.
Zinc has clear benefits in supporting the immune system, the digestion, and the reproductive health. But taking a bunch of pills every day will not help. You need to limit your consumption to the maximum recommended dosages on the package of the supplement and you need to consume it for longer periods of time to see the zinc supplements benefits.
With a metal profile, Zinc is essential for many functions of the body. It is present in very small amounts in tissues and it plays a role in cellular division. It is why you can see many Zinc supplements advertising its cellular division benefits and its role in the development of new tissue.
At a hormonal level, minerals are also essential. Zinc fights free radicals and it balances hormones. In many cases, a small Zinc deficiency can lead to certain hormonal problems such as an increased risk of infertility. But Zinc goes even further and it is why you need to ensure that you consider your own deficiency problems if you are experiencing problems such as a poor immune system, feelings of tiredness or even stunted growth.
The right amounts of Zinc to consume
When it comes to the right amounts of Zinc consumption, you need to know that it varies according to age and gender. It is why infants need the least amount of Zinc in a day. Up to 6 months, infants only need 2mg of Zinc every day. In the following age stage of up to a year, infants need 3 mg per day. The progressive intake of Zinc increases from this point onwards as well. It is why children up to 3 years of age need 3mg of Zinc per day. Children between 4 and 8 need 5mg of Zinc per day. Those between 9 and 13 years of age need 8mg of Zinc per day. Adults need the most Zinc every day. From the age of 14, adolescents need 11 mg of Zinc every day. Females up to 18 need up to 9mg of Zinc per day while females over the age of 18 need around 8 mg of Zinc per day.
To consume Zinc as a supplement, you can use its various forms. It can come as a gel, syrup or capsules. There are also different types of Zinc such as gluconate, acetate or sulfate Zinc supplements. However, the difference between them is small. While the difference in the price of the final product can be considerable, it is not yet clear if it is always worth investing more in a type of Zinc which is more expensive if you want to see health benefits such as combating Zinc deficiency. You might be Zinc-deficient if you experience symptoms such as loss of appetite.
A low level of Zinc is also associated with other digestive problems. For example, some people may even experience a change in their ability to taste food. In this situation, it is also worth consulting a doctor so that you can ensure your digestive issues are not actually caused by other problems. Diarrhea can also be one of the problems to worry about when it comes to low Zinc levels. It is essential to keep an eye on other minerals in your body as well, as the issue can come with a complex range of problems which include dehydration.
Hair loss has also been associated with low Zinc levels. While there is still plenty of research to do on the causes of hair loss, it is known that it can be slowed down to a certain degree. If you are experiencing hair loss, it is also worth checking your Zinc levels with a medical professional.
Hormonal problems have also been associated with low Zinc levels. In some cases, they can cause certain imbalances while for some men, low Zinc levels can even lead to fertility problems. The immune system also takes the hit when it comes to Zinc deficiency. It is often when you see the signs of a weak immune system that you end up investigating iron and Zinc levels in the body. But at the same time, poor immunity is often complex so it is worth discussing it with your doctor if you get frequent colds or other types of medical problems. At a cognitive level, it is recommended to consume Zinc when you want to improve concentration. It is recommended to supplement Zinc daily for up to 30 days in order to see the best results. Memory is also affected by poor Zinc levels so it is recommended to consider it to combat the effects of aging as well.
A common misconception about Zinc comes with its ability to boost energy levels. But this is not true. While it plays a role in cognitive function, Zinc is not actually to be used for extra energy. Even more, it is essential to know that some supplements even come with higher dosages than the body can absorb every day. It is why you need to pay attention to what you actually consume as your body will not be able to absorb the extra Zinc, especially as you might get it from foods additionally. When you are sure that Zinc supplementation is right for you, there are a few good options to consider:
Best Zinc Supplement
[product_tables id=”1306″]
[numbered-heading label=”NOW Zinc Gluconate 50mg” /]
With 50mg of Zinc per serving, the product offers 455% of your daily required value. The percentage of Zinc which actually gets absorbed is however different. Not all tabs can be quickly absorbed and it is why you have to realize that a 455% solution might come with the same effects as a 200% solution. On the other hand, some people need the extra concentration as it can be one of the characteristics at the base of digestion with support to the digestive enzymes. It is also why the manufacturer indicates that you take 1 pill per day, usually with a meal.
[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EBut%20a%20strong%20Zinc%20tablet%20can%20also%20come%20with%20a%20support%20for%20the%20body%E2%80%99s%20natural%20fight%20against%20the%20oxidative%20process.%20Used%20in%20many%20anti-aging%20products%20and%20supplements%2C%20Zinc%20is%20one%20of%20the%20key%20minerals%20to%20be%20considered%20for%20those%20who%20want%20to%20maintain%20a%20healthy%20body%20with%20diminished%20signs%20of%20aging.%20But%20the%20results%20also%20differ%20and%20simply%20taking%20the%20Zinc%20supplement%20without%20caring%20for%20other%20variables%20such%20as%20nutrition%20and%20physical%20activity%20will%20not%20be%20enough%20to%20see%20positive%20results%20with%20oxidative%20stress.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]
[pros-and-cons pros=”-455% of your daily Zinc need
-Made with 250 tablets
-Great for long-term supplementation” cons=”-Limited results with anti-aging” /]
[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”https://amzn.to/2vSBRT0″ color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]
[numbered-heading label=”Thorne Research – Double Strength Zinc Picolinate” /]
With 30mg caps, the Zinc is among the recommended solutions when it comes to a balanced formulation. The servings are not too concentrated for the average adult and they represent a solution which is in line with other similar products on the market. Even if picolinate is one of the most affordable types of Zinc in supplements, it is also one of the most studied solutions. It is why you can have the certainty that the Zinc Picolinate supplement is the right choice for you.
[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EIn%20most%20cases%2C%20especially%20when%20you%20are%20low%20on%20Zinc%2C%20it%20is%20recommended%20to%20choose%20picolinate%20for%20its%20affordability%20and%20for%20its%20tested%20efficiency%20both%20in%20studies%20and%20in%20the%20recommendations%20of%20doctors.%20The%20supplement%20can%20be%20used%20for%20growth%20and%20it%20is%20often%20used%20for%20the%20immune%20health%20as%20well.%20Since%20many%20people%20are%20actually%20low%20on%20Zinc%20due%20to%20their%20diets%2C%20they%20can%20enjoy%20the%20right%20results%20even%20when%20they%20use%20a%20supplement.%20However%2C%20a%20balanced%20nutrition%20is%20recommended%20as%20well%2C%20just%20as%20the%20manufacturer%20indicates.%20In%20other%20cases%2C%20the%20versatile%20Zinc%20Picolinate%20is%20used%20for%20sexual%20health.%20If%20you%20are%20trying%20to%20conceive%2C%20it%20can%20be%20a%20good%20adjuvant.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]
[pros-and-cons pros=”-Recommended for most people
-Affordable solution
-Not too strong” cons=”-180 capsules formulation” /]
[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”https://amzn.to/2QEVbwV” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]
[numbered-heading label=”Pure Encapsulations, Zinc Liquid” /]
Liquid Zinc can be one of the most interesting solutions to work with. Made with a convenient liquid Zinc formulation, it is among the most recommended solutions for those seeking immediate action. It is often when you already take other supplements or pills that you might feel tired and the liquid alternative proves to be a good way to go.
[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EWith%20a%20concentration%20of%2015%20mg%20per%20serving%2C%20it%20represents%20one%20of%20the%20most%20interesting%20solutions%20to%20work%20with%2C%20especially%20when%20it%20comes%20to%20better%20immediate%20action.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]
[pros-and-cons pros=”-Comes in a liquid form
-Recommended for all people
-Easy to use
-Fast to absorb” cons=”-Not the most potent formulation” /]
[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”https://amzn.to/2MpRs6z” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]
[numbered-heading label=”Metagenics, Zinlori 75″ /]
Made with Zinc-carnosine, the product is one of the premium solutions in its class. It is recommended for those seeking improved health and better Zinc intake when they face particular problems. These problems can include Zinc deficiency, stomach problems, headaches, poor immune health and even poor cognition. In these cases, the quality of the Zinc can come as a small advantage and it is worth investing in the solutions which allow you to get ahead.
[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EOf%20course%2C%20it%20is%20not%20as%20available%20as%20other%20solutions%20such%20as%20picolinate.%20But%20the%20Zinc%20supplement%20is%20one%20of%20the%20recommended%20options%20when%20it%20comes%20to%20proper%20health%20and%20better%20reliability.%20With%2017mg%20per%20day%2C%20it%20focuses%20on%20quality%20instead%20of%20quantity%20when%20compared%20to%20other%20products%20on%20the%20market.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]
[pros-and-cons pros=”-Premium solution
-Recommended for certain health conditions
-Small caps” cons=”-Expensive for some people” /]
[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”https://amzn.to/2MDhvqf” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]
[numbered-heading label=”Nature Made Zinc Tabs” /]
With 30mg of zinc, the tabs are among the most recommended solution for the average person. If you are not prescribed Zinc by your doctor as a result of a deficiency, you might look towards the product as it offers a reduced concentration. But the concentration is actually reduced compared to what can be seen on the market and not by the actual Zinc an average adult needs every day. It is still above the daily recommended Zinc intake and this makes it a product which can be considered with ease.
[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EBut%20at%20the%20same%20time%2C%20its%20200%26%2337%3B%20concentration%20can%20have%20positive%20effects%20on%20the%20immune%20system.%20It%20comes%20with%20100%20tabs%20which%20are%20perfect%20for%20daily%20use.%20At%20the%20same%20time%2C%20you%20can%20consider%20supplementing%20with%20Zinc%20as%20needed%2C%20through%20the%20year.%20The%20good%20news%20is%20that%20it%20is%20gluten-free%20and%20this%20recommends%20it%20among%20the%20solutions%20which%20can%20be%20used%20with%20no%20side%20effects.%20But%20if%20you%20truly%20want%20no%20zinc%20supplements%20side%20effects%2C%20you%20will%20also%20stay%20away%20from%20consuming%20more%20tabs%20than%20indicated%20by%20the%20manufacturer%20or%20by%20your%20doctor.%20As%20Zinc%20build%20up%20in%20the%20body%2C%20you%20have%20the%20ability%20to%20work%20with%20the%20solutions%20which%20are%20made%20for%20everyday%20consumption%20for%20the%20sustainable%20results%20your%20immune%20system%20needs.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]
[pros-and-cons pros=”-30mg tabs
-100 tabs per pack
-Made to support the immune system” cons=”-Taste is not the best” /]
[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”https://amzn.to/3gP9JEZ” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]
[numbered-heading label=”Pure Encapsulations – Zinc 30 – Zinc Picolinate” /]
Made with 30mg of Zinc Picolinate per serving, the supplement delivers nearly triple the daily recommended amount for the average adult. Its main role is to support the immune system which is the body’s natural way to protect itself. It also works great for an improved digestion as it plays a role in the absorption of various vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. The supplement is often used for the improvement of the reproductive health.
[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EAs%20one%20of%20the%20Pure%20Encapsulations%20supplements%2C%20the%20Zinc%20caps%20come%20with%20a%20premium%20formulation.%20The%20caps%20are%20made%20to%20be%20free%20from%20artificial%20colors%20and%20additives.%20With%20no%20sweeteners%20for%20a%20friendlier%20taste%2C%20with%20no%20gluten%20and%20with%20no%20traces%20of%20hydrogenated%20fats%2C%20the%20caps%20are%20recommended%20for%20most%20people%20who%20need%20Zinc%20supplementation.%20If%20you%20are%20a%20pregnant%20woman%20who%20needs%20to%20ensure%20the%20health%20of%20her%20fetus%20is%20on%20point%2C%20you%20should%20also%20discuss%20the%20supplement%20with%20your%20doctor%2C%20even%20with%20its%20additive-free%20formulation.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]
[pros-and-cons pros=”-High concentration per serving
-Made with no artificial colors
-Free from gluten” cons=”-Contains corn” /]
[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”https://amzn.to/2QE6llm” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]
[numbered-heading label=”Zinc Chelate, 30 mg” /]
The Zinc Chelate comes with a recommended formulation for cellular reproduction. It is based on some of the most important studies on cell reproduction with its advanced amino acid chelate formulation. It is recommended for those who are looking to fight the effects of aging. It is why it can be considered if you want to maintain a healthy body in a combination with minimum physical activity. At the same time, the supplement is among the recommended products for better cognition and better digestion, similarly to other Zinc supplements.
[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EIt%20is%20easy%20to%20consume%20before%20or%20after%20a%20meal%20and%20if%20you%20supplement%20with%20Zinc%20properly%2C%20you%20should%20be%20able%20to%20bring%20your%20levels%20back%20in%20normal%20parameters%20if%20you%20are%20deficient.%20For%20this%20purpose%2C%20it%20can%20also%20be%20recommended%20to%20work%20with%20a%20doctor%20to%20have%20you%20tested%20and%20see%20if%20the%20supplement%20is%20doing%20what%20it%20should%20be%20doing%20for%20your%20health.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]
[pros-and-cons pros=”-Made with amino acid Zinc chelate
-30mg per serving
-100 caps” cons=”-Not too different from normal Zinc” /]
[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”https://amzn.to/2Dc5PIp” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]
[numbered-heading label=”Nature’s Bounty Zinc 50mg” /]
With 50mg of Zinc per serving, the supplement is recommended for its higher concentration. While it is among the most concentrated solutions in its class, it might also be recommended for people who are low on Zing. Its action and benefits also include an improved immune system but it works well for sexual health as well. Similarly to other Zinc supplements, it is easy to take, even if some people find its pills quite large. But with 100 capsules in the pack, you will have enough Zinc to supplement every day.
[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EIts%20benefits%20will%20not%20include%20better%20energy%20but%20you%20should%20be%20able%20to%20offer%20your%20brain%20better%20cognition%20power%20and%20your%20body%20the%20improved%20immune%20system%20which%20is%20needed%2C%20especially%20during%20the%20colder%20months%20of%20the%20year.%20With%20a%20quality%20which%20is%20based%20on%20no%20additives%2C%20the%20Zinc%20is%20among%20the%20most%20recommended%20products%20if%20you%20are%20looking%20for%20a%20potent%20formulation.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]
[pros-and-cons pros=”-Made with 50mg per serving
-100 capsules in the pack
-Supports the immune system” cons=”-Difficult to swallow for some people” /]
[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”https://amzn.to/2EMJnWC” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]
[numbered-heading label=”Garden of Life Vegan Zinc” /]
Garden of Life is one of the manufacturers who focus on a more complex approach for their supplements. It is also the case of Vegan Zin which comes in a combination with Vitamin C. It can have a supportive role for your immune system in this combination. The Zinc quantity per serving is the popular 30mg which is more than enough for the average adult. At the same time, the supplement also comes with other ingredients which are specific to Garden of Life. Apart from the added Vitamin C, the supplement comes with a raw organic fruit blend. With extracts from fruits such as berries, celery or apples, it has a supportive role for your immune system. But the product even comes with trace minerals to have a further positive impact on your health.
[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EAs%20many%20products%20from%20the%20manufacturer%2C%20it%20is%20also%20made%20with%20an%20enzyme%20blend.%20With%20the%20aim%20to%20improve%20digestion%2C%20it%20is%20among%20the%20most%20interesting%20solutions%20to%20work%20with.%20Even%20more%2C%20it%20represents%20a%20viable%20solution%20for%20daily%20consumption%20in%20the%20cases%20where%20the%20digestion%20has%20to%20suffer%2C%20such%20as%20with%20the%20elderly%20which%20might%20fully%20benefit%20from%20it.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]
[pros-and-cons pros=”-A large concentration of Zinc
-Made with added minerals
-Included digestive enzymes” cons=”-Expensive for some people” /]
[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”https://amzn.to/3gEpoqf” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]
[numbered-heading label=”Natures Aid Zinc Picolinate 30 Tablets Pack of 2″ /]
Made with 15mg of Zinc and 1mg of copper, the tablets represent one of the most interesting solutions when it comes to balanced formulations. It is not too overpowering for the average person and it can be among the most interesting solutions when it comes to better Zinc levels. It is not a premium product to use for specific health issues but it does its job well as it comes with no added ingredients.
[highlight color=”pink” content=”%3Cp%3EThe%20supplement%20is%20consumed%20in%20the%20same%20way%20as%20similar%20pills.%20You%20need%20to%20take%20one%20pill%20every%20day%2C%20preferably%20with%20a%20meal%20for%20it%20to%20be%20gentler%20on%20your%20stomach.%3C%2Fp%3E” /]
[pros-and-cons pros=”-Highly-affordable formulation
-Recommended for most people
-Comes with 1mg of Copper” cons=”-Not the strongest formulation” /]
[call2action label=”See Product Details on Amazon” link=”https://amzn.to/2vV9H9M” color=”yellow” rel=”no-follow” target=”blank” /]
Even the best Zinc supplements should be used under the advice of doctors or according to the indications of the manufacturer. You should avoid over-supplementing as it can come with its own issues in time. When you want to supplement with Zinc, you should also choose a product which is as pure as possible, without any harmful ingredients or ingredients which can cause irritation or other allergic reactions. Some products may contain traces of gluten and it is why you need to fully read the lave of the supplement if you have any known medical conditions or you can ask your doctor to recommend a product which is right for you.